Today we went to look at a nursing home and tomoro we will be looking at another one, they are all much the same as in the U.K regarding facilities etc. Yesterday when we got to the hospital we were told that dad had a fall, but nothing serious but Jan and i noticed that he was cofused and talking like he had downed a bottle of whisky within an hour of us been with him.
We explained this to the nurse and Junior Dr and they came and checked dad out and started looking at medication vital signs etc, and said that they would have someone look at him at 7pm dad told us to go and said he was going to bed.
Today when we got to the hospital we asked to see the Dr and they agreed dad was not himself, they said they had taken him off all his drugs to see if it was the medication, dad was very confused and talking but it was very hard to understand. we said we would take him for a walk but when we left the ward dad just went vacant his eyes rolled up and we tried to get a response and nothing, i went to get a nurse but when we returned dad was still confused but aware. So we carried on with our walk and then dad did the same thing again so i took a photo so i could show th Dr. We told the medical staff that we are very worried about him
and that we need some answers, dad is a very strong man and his behaviour is nothing like this so they are running lots of tests and xray's and scan's.
So i am hoping that if they do all these things that they are going to be able to tell us what is happening with dad, i will update you tomoro.
Take care and thanks for your support its much appreciated.
Luv Paula
Hi Paula, I'm so sorry that your poor Dad is having a hard time. I'm sure that he is grateful that you and your sister are there taking care of him. If you need a few moments away let me know I'm not that far away from the hospital.
Oh dear Paula, it's not sounding good, of course you need answers. Hope they can figure out soon what's going on.
Anne x
Sorry Paula did not realise you had posted yesterday. Oh my gosh your poor Dad. You must be out of your mind with worry hun. I am so glad that you have your sister with you and are not going through this on your own. Just keep pushing the docs Paula, you need answers and not fobbing off. Thinking of you darl. Hugs Clare xxx
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